The Stoyan Christowe Endowment Fund

The Stoyan Christowe Endowment Fund will honor the extraordinary
immigrant life off Stoyan Christowe and uphold his literary work.

Cyril and Methodius University

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Skopje


The Macedonian Arts Council is in discussions with several institutions that played a major role in the shaping of Stoyan Christowe’s writing and political careers, for the purpose of establishing a permanent endowment fund through which each year one economically disadvantaged high school graduate in Macedonia will be selected to attend college at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in the capitol, Skopje. The Endowment Fund will support four students, each in a different academic year and it will be managed, in perpetuity, by the US based education institution.

The field of studies will be limited to the two subjects that Stoyan Christowe was passionate about, Literature and Political Science.

A picture of Stoyan Christowe

Stoyan Christowe 1897-1995, Statesman, Journalist, Author

The Voice of Senator Robert Gannette (R/VT)

Born in Ottoman Macedonia in 1898, Stoyan Christowe immigrated to the United States in 1911, with a burning desire to be an American’s American. He came of age on the Great Plains and went on to be a well-known journalist, critic and lover of the English language. In all, he wrote six books, numerous short stories and articles. He ended his career as a Vermont State Representative and then a Senator. His is a quintessential American immigrant story. While he remained passionate about his native land, his steadfast service to his adoptive land makes him an exceptional defender of the democratic way.


Ana Milosheska

Women in the New Тestament - BA in
South Slavic and Macedonian Literature

Vesna Denkina

Orpheus’ Doctrine of the Afterlife
BA in Classical Philology

Valentina Gorgievska

Weapons' names in Mycenaean Greek - BA in Classical Philology

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